I love that women are starting to talk about issues like urinary incontinence, that are common after pregnancy and in menopause. But like I tell all my patients, while it is very commonly experienced by a large percentage of humans, does not mean it is normal. Incontinence IS NOT a normal part of aging.
Unfortunately, that is not the message most women are hearing. In a recent commercial for Always Discreet incontinence pads, the slogan is,” Is it even a workout if you don’t leak a little.” Did I hear that right? Are you saying that if I don’t leak, I didn’t work out hard enough. That leaking urine is a sign of a “good” workout. No, urinary leakage is a sign of a problem, a poor functioning pelvic floor (to oversimplify).
Marketing campaigns for pads for urinary leakage would like you to believe that leaking is normal and wearing a pad is your only option. While very helpful and absolutely necessary at times, pads are not your only option. Surgery is not your only option. If you are experiencing urinary leakage, leakage of bowel, pelvic pain or heaviness or painful intercourse, please seek out a pelvic floor physical therapist. These symptoms are a sign of a dysfunction and are not normal. Let’s treat it, not normalize it!
#urinary incontinence, #urinary leakage, #pelvic pain, #pelvic floor physical therapy, #menopause, #postpartum